Man tried to protect health during the middle ages. certain important health methods were used during this period. epidemics of diph 'theria, 'tytphold, fever, leprosy (проказа), influenza, bubonic plague and other diseases took millions of lives.

leprosy was spread for hundreds of years. this disease was controlled not by medical means. poor lepers (прокаженные) lived inspecial colonies, away from other people. this was a very important advance in public health during this period.

during the 'middle 'ages 'plague killed 'many 'millions of 'people in europe. in 1348 the 'black 'death 'struck (поразила) 'britain: 'nobody 'knew how to 'fight with the di'sease. the 'doctors advised 'people to 'run a'way from the af'fected (пораженные) 'areas. 'everybody ag'reed that 'plague was 'god's 'punishment (божья кара) for the 'sins (грех) of 'man.

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valerapolnikov2 valerapolnikov2    3   18.09.2019 05:28    1

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