Make up sentences using the words in brackets. 1.We were surprised when we succeeded in passing our driving test. (SUCCESS)
success were our We test. passing at surprised in driving our
Example. We were surprised at our success in passing our driving test.

2.Although it was raining, we did not put off our bicycle ride. (DESPITE)
off we rain, did not our bicycle ride. the Despite

3.He is not old enough to get a job. (TOO)
too get to He job. is young a

4.I have not seen anybody at home. (NOBODY)
home. was at Nobody

5.We will stay at home if Paul does not pick us up. (UNLESS)
go won't we Unless picks us up, Paul out.

6.The girl was so beautiful that all young men wanted to marry her. (SUCH)
She wanted men that girl all to beautiful a was young marry her. such

7.Had I know about his life in time, I would have tried to help him. (IF)
life help his have to would time, I known him. tried about had If I in

8.I do not write as well as she does. (BETTER)
me. than better She writes

9.I hope you will come back soon. (WOULD LIKE)
come back that you like I soon. would

10.I would rather stay at home tomorrow. (PREFER)
I tomorrow.home stay prefer at to

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