Make these questions wh-questions. follow the model например: is nelly laughing? (why) why is nelly laughing? many people learn foreign languages? (why) 2.are they counting? (what) 3.does the plane leave for london? (when) they write letters to their friends? (how often) 5.does it become dark here late? (when) he joing us? (who) 7.does it often happen? (what)

СашаВай1 СашаВай1    2   10.06.2019 14:00    4

DiankaTokmashova DiankaTokmashova  08.07.2020 22:17
1. Why do many people learn foreign languages?
2. What are they counting?
3. When does the plane leave for London?
4. How often do they write letters to their friends?
5. When does it become dark here?
6. Who is he joining? / Who is joining us?
7. What often happens?
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