MAKE THE SNTENCES, using FUTURE SIMLLE (записать предложения)

1. I/ tomorrow/ to the theater/ go

2. Peter/ soon/ come

3. We/ next year/ go/ to England

4. I/ to do your homework/ help you

5. Start/ the game/ at 10 o’clock

6. Next week/ my father/ a new car/ buy

INokentiy228 INokentiy228    2   17.05.2020 12:56    1

Unicorn135 Unicorn135  14.10.2020 21:13

1. I'm going to go to the theatre tomorrow.

2. Peter will come soon.

3. We are going to go to England next year.

4. I will help you to do your homework.

5. The game will start at 10 o'clock.

6. My father is going to buy a new car next week.

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