Make Test 36. When ….. you see Mary last ?
a) did; b) do; c) does; d) will.
37. What time ….. the Sun set yesterday ?
a) do; b) did; c) does; d) will.
38. When ….. the next game begin ?
a) do; b) will; c) does; d) did.
39. ….. you go to the swimming pool yesterday ?
a) did; b) do; c) does; d) will.
40. Last year we ….. study Physics.
a) doesn’t; b) won’t; c) didn’t; d) don’t.
41. ….. John always meet Ann at the station ?
a) does; b) do; c) did; d) will.
42. I ….. take Spanish next year.
a) do; b) did; c) shall; d) will.
43. ….. you give up smoking last month ?
a) do; b) did; c) does; d) will.
44. ….. it snow soon ?
a) do; b) will; c) did; d) shall.
45. How many letters ….. you usually write a month ?
a) did; b) do; c) does; d) will do.
a) will; b) will be; c) be; d) was.
46. He always ….. a shower twice a week.
a) take; b) taken; c) takes; d) took.
47. When I was a child my family ….. in Moscow.
a) lives; b) will live; c) live; d) lived.
48. Tom ….. to London till May.
a) shall go; b) will go; c) goes; d) went.
49. On week-days he ….. at 9 o` clock.

a) wakes up; b) wake up; c) woke up; d) waked up.
50. Where ….. you ….. now ?
a) hurrying; b) are***hurrying; c) were***hurrying;
d) will be***hurrying.
51. Your friends ….. in the corridor when we saw them.
a) were smoking; b) are smoking; c) smoked; d) smoking.
52. ….. you usually ….. many dresses with you to the South ?
a) are***taking; b) do***take; c) were***taking; d) did***take.
53. His mother ….. supper in the kitchen when I came in.
a) is making; b) was making; c) will be making; d) will make.
54. I ….. to read books about voyages in my childhood.
a) was liking; b) liked; c) like; d) am liking.
55. They ….. Petrov’s report at this time tomorrow.
a) be discussing; b) discuss; c) will be discussing; d) will discuss.
56. Look ! The children …… football in the yard.
a) play; b) played; c) are playing; d) were playing.
57. He is not working, he ….. the TV program.
a) watched; b) watches; c) is watching; d) was watching.
58. I ….. a cake when the light went out.
a) is making; b) was making; c) made; d) making.
59. We always ….. six lessons a day.
a) had; b) have; c) are having; d) were having.
60. Look ! The Sun ……
a) is rising; b) rising; c) rise; d) was rising.
61. What do you think you ….. at this time next year ?
a) be doing; b) will be doing; c) are doing; d)will doing.
62. Alison and Cassie ….. on the staircase as I went down.
a) were talking; b) are talking; c) talked; d) talking.
63. She ….. to Italy five years ago.
a) is going; b) was going; c) went; d) goes.
64. Look here ! Somebody ….. in the next room.
a) talked; b) talk; c) was talking; d) is talking.
65. We ….. some friends to lunch tomorrow.
a) will have; b) shall have; c) shall be having; d) will be having.
66. When you arrive at the airport, an escort ….. for you.
a) be waiting; b) will be waiting; c) is waiting; d) will wait.
67. They ….. to the radio now.
a) are listening; b) were listening; c) listened; d) listen.
68. At school we ….. two foreign languages.
a) study; b) are studying; c) studied; d) were studying.
69. He was busy the whole day yesterday, he ….. the TV-set.
a) repaired; b) repairs; c) is repairing; d) was repairing.
70. When I came they ….. their dinner.
a) had; b) having; c) are having; d) were having.
71. I ….. at the laboratory for two hours last Monday.
a) worked; b) work; c) is working; d) was working.
72. He is supposed to be very busy tomorrow. He ….. for his exam.
a) will prepare; b) will be preparing; c) is preparing; d) was preparing.

tattysg tattysg    1   17.02.2021 19:42    1

NurlG NurlG  19.03.2021 19:44

36. A

37. B

38. B

39. A

40. C

41. A

42. D

43. B

44. B

45. B

46. C

47. D

48. C

49. A

50. B

51. A

52. B

53. B

54. B

55. C

56. C

57. C

58. B

59. B

60. A

61. B

62. A

63. C

64. D

65. B

66. B

67. A

68. A

69. D

70. D

71. D

72.  B


+10 Б.


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