Make negative 1close the door 2go to the shop 3listen to the radio 4pick the flowers in the park 5think about it 6put the the jaket on

ека29 ека29    2   09.03.2019 09:20    1

Дария008 Дария008  24.05.2020 10:15 a door

2.don't go to shop

3.don't listen to radio

4. don't pick flowers in park

5. don't think of it

6. don't place jaket in

vazirasharipovа vazirasharipovа  24.05.2020 10:15

1. - Close the door- Don*t close the door

2. Go to the shop- Don*t go to the shop

3. Listen to the radio - Don*t listen to the radio

4. Pick the flowers in the park - Don*t    pick the flowers in the park

5. Think about it -  Don*t   think about it

6. Put the the jaket on - Don*t  put the the jaket on

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