Make conditional sentences with the words below. 1. you / have an accident / unless / you go more slowly you'll have an accident unless you go more slowly. 2. if / john / invite me to the party, / i / go 3. i / beat sally / unless / i / play badly 4. i / be very upset / if / he / lose my camera 5. unless / you / go now, / the shops / be closed 6. if / my friend / come round, / we / play computer games

111111DA 111111DA    3   06.08.2019 12:40    1

Dilya0608 Dilya0608  04.10.2020 01:04
2. If John invites me to the party, I will go.
3. I will beat Sally, unless I play badly.
4. I will be very upset if he lose my camera.
5. Unless you go now, the shops will be closed.
6. If my friend comes round, we will play computer games.
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