Make comparisons using the words ylvulli
1. a: hey, look at these silver earrings! they're nice.
and they're_ cheaper than those gold
earrings. (cheap)
b: but they're small than the gold
ones. (small)
silver earrings
a: well, yeah. the gold ones are
the silver ones. (big)
but $400 is a lot of money!
2. a: this leather coat is_01
attractive this
the wool one. (attractive)
b: yes, but the wool one is nam
leather coat
gold earrings
wool coat
1. we
3. a: this orange shirt is an interesting color!
b: yes, but the color is pretty
design. (pretty)
a: the design isn't bad.
b: i think the pattern on that gray shirt is
the pattern on this
orange one. (good)
2. w
orange shirt
gray shirt
3. wh
4. wh
4. a: these cotton dresses are nice.
b: yes, but the silk ones are
. (nice)
a: they're also expensivy
5. wh

stif432 stif432    2   08.11.2019 12:57    4

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