Make a sentence using the two words in brackets in such a way that it is similar in the meaning to the first sentence. 1)extracurricular activities can develop skills that help students to get more noticed among their peers.(stand out/crowd) 2) you should compare information from different books and magazines to find appropriate (several /sources) 3) sometimes an activity seems rather difficult but if you continue to work at it, you will get results and be satisfied. (stick at/self esteem) 4) taking part in different activities and studying different academic subjects can show what abilities you have and help to make your career ideas clear. (shape/reveal) 5) while you use one social networking site, people you study with may use another one. (stick with/fellow) 6) children have so much homework to do that they have no time for relaxing and their hobbies. (overburdened/recreation)

Unicorn1232911 Unicorn1232911    2   05.10.2019 15:40    0

dmitrocreativ dmitrocreativ  05.10.2019 15:40

f sf rdvh shy systemically beachwood audio such hahahaha dispositive wish

Zebra1411 Zebra1411  05.10.2019 15:40

complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. write between two and five words in each gap. 

1 what's the price of the tickets, jimmy?   how much are the tickets,  jimmy?  

2 are these your trainers? do these trainers belong to  you?  

3 sasha's not keen on team sports at all.  sasha doesn't like  team sports at all. 

4 it's only her second time in a recording studio. she has only  been to a recording studio twice. 

5 we got here three hours ago. we have been here before. 

6 i started writing this hours ago and it's still not right. i have been writing this for  hours and it's still not right. 

7 this is my first experience of flying alone, it is the first time that i have flown  alone. 

8 sharon's in the bath at the moment. sharon is having a bath  at the moment. 

9 paul enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday.  paul does surprises just not on his birthday!

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