Люди, кто знает ? вставьте глагол в действительном или страдательном залоге. 1) the pupils (give) out new books. 2) yesterday i (find) a very funny story. 3) the picture (hand) by me yeasterday. 4) i (send) to a shop every day. 5) my sister (read) a book and i (watch) tv yeasterday. 6) they (tell) to open the books a minute ago. 7) the room (clean) by me romorrow.

maalia12 maalia12    1   25.06.2019 22:30    1

lili2003love12 lili2003love12  20.07.2020 22:06
1) The pupils have been given (Если Perfect ещё не проходили, то  were given) out new books.
2) Yesterday I found a very funny story.
3) The picture was handed by me yesterday.
4) I am sent to a shop every day.
5) My sister read a book and I watched TV yesterday.
6) They were told to open the books a minute ago.
7) The room will be cleaned by me tomorrow.
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