Люди ! give english equivalents.1. запуск продукта; 2. доля рынка; 3. прогноз продаж; 4. рекламная кампания; 5. бюджет на рекламу.ii. choose the right option.6. sally said: “where is jill going? ”a) sally asked where was jill going.b) sally asked where jill is going.c) sally asked where jill was going.7. the doctor asked: ” how do you feel? ”a) the doctor asked how did i feel.b) the doctor asked how i felt.c) the doctor asked how i had felt.8. “will you be free tomorrow? ”, jack asked tommy.a) tommy asked would jack be free the next day.b) jack asked tommy if he would be free the following day.c) jack asked if tommy will be free tomorrow.9. “don`t open the door”, her parents said.a) her parents said to her to open the door.b) her parents told her to open the door.c) her parents told her don`t open the door.10. the teacher said to us: ”be quiet, please”.a) the teacher asked us be quiet.b) the teacher told us to be quiet.c) the teacher said to us to be quiet.11. “ann`s sister did nothing except complain”, said tim.a) tim said that ann`s sister had done nothing except complain.b) tim said that ann`s sister did nothing except complain.c) tim told that ann`s sister had done nothing except complain.12. the students asked: ” when will we have our english exam? ”a) the students asked when will they have their english exam.b) the students asked when would they have their english exam.c) the students asked when they would have their english exam.13. “where is the nearest bus stop? ”, the old man addressed a policeman.a) the old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.b) the old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.c) the old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.iii. re-order the words to make questions.14. much / advertising/ do/ how/ on/ spend/ you? 15. does/ endorsement/ mean/ what? 16. strength/ and/ are/ company`s/ weaknesses/ what/ your? 17. range/ did/ extend/ product/ their/ they/ when? 18. is/ team/ leading/ sales/ who/ your? 19. increased/ share/ our/ market/ has? iy. complete each sentence with a prepositions.20. it was my mistake, i know. i have already director.21. i could`t others that our suppliers were responsible.22. we need to date of the relaunch of our new series.23. tom so many mistakes in his report.24. a good manager should from staff/a) for; b) on; c) to; d) with; e) toy. read the article and say if the following sentences are true (t) or false (f).history of economic thoughteconomic thought goes back thousands of years. we could call many of aristotle`s political writings economics, although he did not use the word. the english word economics first appeared in the 19th century – two and a half thousand years after xenophon.early economic thought was all about the meaning of wealth or being rich. these early thinkers asked, “what makes a state or a country wealthy? ” for nearly 2,000 years, the answer was very simple: gold. a country or nation`s wealth depended on its owning precious metals. this simple view of the economy remained until medieval times.during medieval times – roughly the period between 1100 and 1500 ad, trading between nations grew, and a social class appeared, these were merchants, people who made their money through the buying and selling of goods, and they began to write their thoughts on the economy. they saw the economy as a way to make the state strong. for them, the nation`s wealth depended on stocks of gold and the size of the population. more people meant bigger armies and stronger state.for classical economists, the value of goods depends on the cost of production. however, the price of goods is not always the same as their real cost. later economists developed new theories to explain this weakness in classical economists. these are known as the neoclassical economists and they were writing at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries.in neoclassical economics, supply and demand make the economy work. in other words, the price of goods depends on how much people want them and how easily they can be found.25.aristotle did not use the word economics, but he did write about economic ideas.26. early economists thought that a nation without gold was poor.27. people in medieval times didn`t understand anything about economics.28. in classical economics, the value of something was measured in gold.29. economists later found a problem with the classical model.30. in neoclassical economics, supply and demand control price.

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