Lucy (break) her leg, so she can’t come skiing.

Julie (arrive)! Come and say hello!

They (be) cold when they (arrive) home.

Jack (break) his arm when he (fall) off a horse in 2005.

I (know) about the problem for months, but I (not/find) a solution yet.

A: When (you/arrive)?

B: At 10pm last night.

She (be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.

How long (you/know) Jill? I know you see her often.

I (see) the sea before.

A: Hello

B: Hi Mum, it’s me. I just wanted to say I (arrive) safely and everything is fine.

Lerkashkablreva1103 Lerkashkablreva1103    3   18.03.2021 16:22    4

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