Look at the pistures. Do the people have good table manners? Write down your recommendations.

Look at the pistures. Do the people have good table manners? Write down your recommendations.
Look at the pistures. Do the people have good table manners? Write down your recommendations.

upf300804 upf300804    2   01.12.2021 17:03    5

Dgj8 Dgj8  01.12.2021 17:10

1. On the first picture the man is talking while eating. that's prohibited and that is not absolutely a good table manner.

2. On the second picture the man is chomping. that looks really terrible. One must eat like a gentleman.

3. On this picture the man looks like a glutton. People must follow table manners and eat sitting not staying.

4. The man is blowing out. If a person wants to do such actions, one must go to the toilet. A person mustn't do such things at the table, and if there is anyone sitting near him at all.

5. не очень поняла то, что он делает, соории

6. The woman might have asked someone to pass the meal she wants to eat. Her action looks very badly


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