Look at simon's email again.What informal language does he use? 1.an abbreviation;lab

2.to start the email;

3.to end the email;


To: Lam Subject Soven Oaks Academy. Hey Liam How are you doing? My new school (Soven Onks Academy) is amazing My ciass is smal so the teechers have time to help everyone. We decide the subjocts we want to
geliatv2 avatar
study in class, and we can work on projects toguther in groups. We've got an IT room so we can find the information we need (we don't use course booksl, and we can use tablets in cluss but Ihaven't got one. e You know I love Science sol spend a lot of time in the science lab. This school's realy different from the old one. I iove it How are things at your new school? Cheers Simon

nyragka nyragka    3   04.02.2022 17:49    11

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