Live ASS Ben's friend has been unkind.

Read the email and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Dear Ben,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with your best friend lying to you all
the time. Luckily, I think I can help you with some advice.
it would be a good idea to ask him why he is being dishonest. Tell him you know
he's told lies about you. You should show him he has upset you. He needs to know
that you are upset by his lying.
Another idea is to ask him how he is. Maybe he is unhappy at the moment and
that's why he's being mcan to you. Sometimes people are mcan to those closest to
them when they are upset. So you should show him you are his friend and care
about him.
I hope my advice helps. Write back and let me know how it goes with your friend. I
hope things get better soon.
Best wishes,
O True
O False

Live ASS Ben's friend has been unkind. ReadingRead the email and mark the statements T (true) or F (

anonymous18 anonymous18    2   02.03.2021 11:36    3

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