Little or few? 1) I can't go with you, I've got … time. 6) I've got … money. I can’t buy it.
2) He has got … English books 7) We found … mushrooms
3) There are … elephants in our zoo. 8) He received … letters yesterday.
4) There is … juice in my glass. 9) Mother had … butter and couldn’t make a cake.
5) There were very … boys in the room. 10) There are … flowers in their yard.

tanya3104 tanya3104    2   05.12.2021 19:48    0

анна2265 анна2265  05.12.2021 19:50

ответ:1. little. 6. few. 2. few. 3. few. 4. little. 9. little. 5. few

Объяснение: few- это то что мы можем посчитать например: книгу, ручку и т.д. а little- то что не посчитать например: сок, молоко, укроп.

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