Listening oisten to an interview and circle
the correct answers.
CD 1 Track 25
Man: Hello, Lucy. Where are you from?
Lucy: I'm from Sydney, Australia, but I live in
Cambndge, in the UK
Man: Do you like the UK?
Lucy: I love it! Cambridge and Oxford are my
favourite cities
Man: Do you use many electronic godgets?
Lucy: I use my mobile phone every day to send
emails and listen to music when I'm on the
train, going to work. I've got a satnav, too.
but I never use it because I haven't got a
Man: Does your mobile phone toke photos, too?
Lucy: Yes, it does. It takes very nice photos and
videos. I never use my camera because it's
easy to take a picture with my phone and
upload it to my blog.
So, you've got internet on your phone, too?
Lucy: That's right! It's great!
Man: And, Lucy, what's your favourite sport?
Lucy: People in Australia like surfing and water
sports in general. I'm not very good at
swimming. I like going to the beach when I
go home, but I never swim. Here I usually
go cycling or running
Man: Do you exercise every day?
Lucy: Yes, I do. I usually ride my bicycle in the
morning and I always go for a run at the
Man: Thank you, Lucy

angelina0512200 angelina0512200    1   23.10.2020 12:32    4

иваивиыви иваивиыви  22.11.2020 12:32


тут нужно хорошенько и внимательно прочитать диалог, также тут нужно подчеркнуть правильное ответы на вопросы в диалоге, если эта работа по тексту,то скинуть текст, а если, эта работа не по тексту вот ответ

Man: Hello, Lucy. Where are you from? Тут вопрос задан правильно

Lucy: I'm from Sydney, Australia, but I live in

Cambndge, in the UK ответ тоже правильный

Man: Do you like the UK? +

Lucy: I love it! Cambridge and Oxford are my

favourite cities +

Man: Do you use many electronic godgets?+

Lucy: I use my mobile phone every day to send

emails and listen to music when I'm on the

train, going to work. I've got a satnav, too.

but I never use it because I haven't got a


Man: Does your mobile phone toke photos, too?

Lucy: Yes, it does. It takes very nice photos and

videos. I never use my camera because it's

easy to take a picture with my phone and

upload it to my blog.


So, you've got internet on your phone, too?

Lucy: That's right! It's great!

Man: And, Lucy, what's your favourite sport?

Lucy: People in Australia like surfing and water

sports in general. I'm not very good at

swimming. I like going to the beach when I

go home, but I never swim. Here I usually

go cycling or running

Man: Do you exercise every day?

Lucy: Yes, I do. I usually ride my bicycle in the

morning and I always go for a run at the


Man: Thank you, Lucy

"+" это правильно

"-" это не правильно

прочитав этот диалог я поняла что тут нету ошибок,но я не могу понять в чём подвох :<

как смогла так и сделала, надеюсь на понимание:<

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