Listening 6 form Task I. Listen to Lisa and Eric. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 Lisa and Eric are at the sports centre. T / F

2 Eric enjoyed watching an ice hockey match


T / F

3 Lisa wants to go to a café.

T / F

Task II. Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 What kind of film does Eric want to see tonight?


a historical film b a war film ca

science fiction film

2 Eric's dad Alien Wars.

a enjoyed b didn't mind c didn't like

3 What kind of film does Lisa want to see? a a historical film b a war film ca documentary

4 When did Eric and his family see Kings and Queens?

a last month b last week c last night 5 Eric thought Kings and Queens was a film. a weird b amazing c bad

6 Who liked Kings and Queens? a Lisa b Eric's mum c Lisa's mum

7 What does Eric want to eat?

toteara1 toteara1    1   30.05.2023 23:29    1

balabonkin68p06p8r balabonkin68p06p8r  30.05.2023 23:30
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