Лингвисты, , ! нужно раскрыть скобки, используя придаточное 1 типа i … (go) to the theatre if i … (go) out tonight. i … (be) angry if you … (get) back very late. we … (see) each other next month if we … (not/see) each other next month. if they … (come), i … (be) very surprised. we … (be) late if we … (wait) here. we … (go) to italy if we … (go) on holiday this autumn. we … (not/have) a picnic if the weather … (not/improve). peter and jack … (go) to the party if they … (be) invited. i … (be) tired tomorrow if i … (not/go) to bed early this evening. we … (feel) sick, if we … (eat) all these cakes.

Мисаки11111 Мисаки11111    2   22.06.2019 15:40    1

svetokot2005 svetokot2005  02.10.2020 08:36
I will go to the theatre if I go out tonight.
I will be angry if you get back very late.
We'll see each other next month if we don't see each other next month.
If they come, I will be surprised.
We'll be late if we wait here.
We will go to Italy if we go in holiday thus autumn.
We won't have a picnic if the weather doesn't improve.
Peter and Jack will go to the party if they are invited.
I will be tired tomorrow if I don't go to bed early this evening.
We will feel sick, if we eat all these cakes.
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