Lignu began to use for are the sentences frue (t) or false (f)? 1. thomas coryate visited italy in sixteenth century, 2. there were a lot of interesting things in italy for thomas cory 3. the italians ate meat using small forks. 4. they didn't eat with hands because their hands were clean. 5. at home thomas wanted to show the forks to his friends. 6. his friends didn't want to take a good look at the strange thin 7. thomas coryate wanted to show that it was very easy to use 8. it was difficult for thomas coryate to use the fork. 9. his friends began to use the fork. 10 only fifteen years later people in england began to use forks 2. packpoume ciobku, ynompeónna 210201161 6 present, past ut 1. i ask) at the last lesson. 2. many houses (build) in our town every year. 3. the books (buy) last week. 4. this work (do) tomorrow 5. the flat (clean) every week. 3. выберите правильное притяжательное местоимение. 1. was (your/yours) trip exciting? - (my mine) was boring. 2. it isn't (our/ours) dog. 3. is this (your/yours) coat? - no, it is not (my/mine). 4. mark is (their/theirs) cousin. 5. you can't have this book. it is not (your/yours). 4. поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. my cat (not/enjoy) fish. 2. her son and daughter (fly) to the usa next year. 3. she (have) dark hair. 4. you (not/work) very hard yesterday, 5. he become) a doctor two years ago.

utrobin7 utrobin7    1   21.05.2019 20:13    7

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