Либо present simple или present continuous

1.) /finish)work at five,but this week /work) until six to earn a little more money

2.) my parents ) in manchester. they there born there and have never lived anywhere else. where parents/live)?

3.)sonya ) for a place to live.
/stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

4.) brother/do)?
he's an architect , but /not/work) at the moment ​

kristail2003101979 kristail2003101979    1   25.09.2019 12:36    0

AD1628 AD1628  08.10.2020 18:24

1. finish... I am working

2. live...Where do your parents live?

3. is looking for...She is staying...

4.What does your brother do? ...he is not working...


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