Lexico-grammatical test.I. Open the brackets, using the correct tense form:
Sally Deedes 1)(walk) home late one night. She 2)(be) to dinner party at her friend’s house. The city streets 3)(be) empty and 4) (rain) slightly. She 5)(look forward) to getting safely home to bed because at dinner her friends 6)(talk) about a dangerous murderer who 7)(escape) from prison the week before. Her friend Mark 8)(offer) to walk home with her but, as she 9)(live) a mile away, she 10)(tell) him that she would be ok. She was about halfway home when she 11)(hear) footsteps behind her. She 12)(stop) and 13)(turn) around, but she couldn’t see anyone and the footsteps 14)(stop) as well. When she continued on her way the footsteps 15)(start) again. She 16)(begin) to feel again. She started to run. The footsteps 17)(get) closer. Suddenly she 18)(feel) a hand on her shoulder and she 19)(scream) in terror. ‘Sally! Sally! It’s me, Mark!’ He tried to explain that he 20)(be) worried about her and 21)(decide) to follow her home. But Sally 22)(can/not) hear a word because she 23) (already/faint).

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