Lesson 1.. ask questions with the past continuous.
Make questions.
1 Where was he going?
1 I saw Harry at the station.
Where / he / go?
2 There were lots of policemen in the street.
What/they/ do?
3 Helen was on the telephone for hours.
Who / she/ phone?
4. I couldn't get an Internet connection on your
Why / you / use / my computer?​

Lesson 1.. ask questions with the past continuous.Make questions.1 Where was he going?1 I saw Harry

Юличка111333 Юличка111333    3   06.02.2021 12:15    1

ladybird1 ladybird1  08.03.2021 12:16

2) what were they doing?

3)who was she phoning?

4)Why were you using my computer?

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