Лексика и грамматика.Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Russian Expansion and Exploration in the 19th century
During the nineteenth century Russia (1) south to India and east to the Pacific Ocean. The city of Vladivostok (2) in 1860 and developed as Russia’s main port on the Pacific that gave Russia’s navy access to the sea all year round.

By the end of the nineteenth century the Russian Empire (3) the greater part of central Asia in a series of wars. The large territory needed of communication in order to hold it together. Communications improved with the (4)

of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Towns and cities grew along the ralway and (5) now by improved telegraph and telephone lines, as well as by the railway(6).

N.M.Przhevalsky (7) four expeditions to east and central Asia and explored far away lands. He made maps of the places he visisted., brought back new plants and discovered animals they (8)before. advance







not see

Serpopi Serpopi    2   19.05.2020 12:50    130

OMEGA2281 OMEGA2281  21.12.2023 10:49
Russian Expansion and Exploration in the 19th century
During the nineteenth century Russia expanded south to India and east to the Pacific Ocean. The city of Vladivostok was founded in 1860 and developed as Russia's main port on the Pacific, giving Russia's navy access to the sea all year round.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the Russian Empire had conquered the greater part of central Asia in a series of wars. The large territory needed effective communication in order to hold it together. Communications improved with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Towns and cities grew along the railway and were now connected by improved telegraph and telephone lines, as well as by the railway itself.

N.M.Przhevalsky led four expeditions to east and central Asia and explored faraway lands. He made maps of the places he visited, brought back new plants, and discovered animals that had not been seen before.

Words to be transformed:
1. advance (became "expanded") - Russia expanded
2. build (became "was founded") - The city of Vladivostok was founded
3. conquer (became "had conquered") - The Russian Empire had conquered
4. connect (became "were now connected") - Towns and cities were now connected
5. it (remains unchanged)
6. make (became "brought back") - He brought back
7. not see (became "that had not been seen before") - animals that had not been seen before
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