Leah Hey, Shaun, look at this. Shaun What?
Leah This hat! What do you reckon?
Shaun Not much.
Leah It's very trendy.
Shaun Well, I can't! them!
Leah Oh, well, we can't all have good taste!
Shaun What about this T-shirt?
Leah It's OK,
Shaun Don't?___? I think 4
Leah No, I'm not red.
Shaun Well, it's better than my brown
and blue shirt!
Leah Ha! That's true.

Leah Hey, Shaun, look at this. Shaun What? Leah This hat! What do you reckon? Shaun Not much. Leah I

polina3510 polina3510    1   11.09.2020 14:48    46

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