Language builder Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle the correct options. Isabel: played any musical instruments? John: Yes, 1?_ to play the banjo. Isabel: That's interesting. I'__ the banjo. John: 1'_ to a music festival last year and liked it. Then, I'm always s_ an unusual present for my birthday by my aunt and she's bought me a banjo this year. Isabel: Is it difficult? John: Not really, I my first exam on Wednesday next week. Isabel: If I want to learn a musical instrument, what? you suggest? John: Well, what sort of music! Isabel: I want to play rock music. 1'_ buy the drums but they're very expensive. And where find a teacher? John: I'll ask my teacher. She'll definitely someone you can ask - 10 11 1 @ Have you ever 2 a learn 3 a 've never tried 4 a went 5 a give 6 a 'm taking 7 a will 8 a do you like a think 10 a I am 11 a know b Did you b'm learning b never have tried b was going b given b will take b would b are you liking b will b I will b knowing c Were you c did learn c've tried never c'm going C gave c'm going to take care c you like c might C will c to know 9 Total 10

autist1707 autist1707    1   18.02.2022 12:55    7

Sanshooos Sanshooos  18.02.2022 13:00


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