Кто решит-20 ! 13.barry 1) (have) lots of work to do yesterday. he 2) (get up) very early and by six o'clock, he 3) (finish). then, he 4) (have) time to relax. 14.yesterday. liz 1) (go) to a party. she 2) (have) a great time, but when she 3) (get) home, she 4) (realise) she 5) (forget) her jacket. so. she 6) (go) back to the party to get it.

Verozan2103 Verozan2103    2   29.06.2019 23:10    4

tda512 tda512  23.07.2020 18:30
13. Barry 1) had lots of work to do yesterday. He 2)got up very early and by six o'clock he 3) had finished. Then, he 4) was having time to relax.

14.Yesterday, Liz 1) went to a party. She 2) was having a great time, but when she 3) got home, she 4) had realised she 5) had forgotten her jacket. So, she 6)went back to the party to get it.
zlpa zlpa  23.07.2020 18:30
1) had; 2) got up; 3) finished; 4) had
1) went; 2) had; 3) got; 4) realized; 5) forgot 6) went;
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