Кто нибудь , надо ! 1. вставьте в нужном времени конструкцию be/get used to. 1) i eating that much. 2) she jogging on cold mornings when she was young. 3) did it get much time to driving on the left? 4) i was unable to surfing the internet. 5) she waking up at 10 every day. 6) what do you think he__ going to this school? 7) they going to the country in summer when they were children. 8) finally he _ _ doing morning exercises before breakfast. 9) my children playing with her children. 10) he living with his wife at the moment. 2. раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму в зависимости от вида смешанного условия. 1) if i had taken german at school, i more job opportunities now. (have) 2) if he had been born in this country, he a visa to work here. (not need) 3) if i were rich, i that lexus we saw last week. (buy) 4) if martin spoke italian, he this letter for you. (translate) 5) if they had won the lottery, they rich. (be) 6) if you didn’t have to work so much, you__ to the party last night. (go) 7) if she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she us tomorrow. (join) 8) if kate had gotten the job instead of ann, she to new york now. (move) 9) if we weren’t going on our business trip next monday, that new assignment at work. (accept) 10) if thomas hadn’t wasted all his money, he to mexico with us

oznobiseva2006 oznobiseva2006    3   19.06.2019 02:20    1

fefilovanastyaa fefilovanastyaa  15.07.2020 13:33
1) I am not used to eating that much.
2) She was used to jogging on cold mornings when she was young.
3) Did it get much time to et used to driving on the left?
4) I was unable to get used to surfing the Internet.
5) She was udsed to waking up at 10 every day.
6) What do you think? Will he get used to going to this school?
7) They going to the country in summer when they were children.
8) Finally he got used to doing morning exercises before breakfast.
9) My children are used to playing with her children.
10) He is getting used to living with his wife at the moment.
1) If I had taken German at school, I more job opportunities now. would have)
2) If he had been born in this country, he a visa to work here. (would not need)
3) If I were rich, I that Lexus we saw last week. (would have bought)
4) If Martin spoke Italian, he this letter for you. (would translate)
5) If they had won the lottery, they rich. (would be)
6) If you didn’t have to work so much, you__ to the party last night. (would have gone)
7) If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she us tomorrow. (would join)
8) If Kate had got the job instead of Ann, she to New York now. (would move)
9) If we weren’t going on our business trip next Monday, we_  that new assignment at work. (woulld have accepted)
10) If Thomas hadn’t wasted all his money, he would have gone to Mexico with us
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