Кто хорошо знает язык, перевести небольшие предложения! 15 : ) 1. в вашей группе много студентов? - да, много. 2. друг моей сестры много катается на коньках. - сколько времени он обычно тратит на это? - полтора часа в день. 3. мне пришлось взять такси, чтобы не опоздать. 4. он все еще завтракает? - не. он уже ушел на работу. - не могли бы вы передать ему эту книгу? - конечно. 5. приходите в любое время. как только я вернусь, я обязательно вам . 6. - когда вы родились? - в 1990 году. я собираюсь скоро поступать в институт. 7. я ведь прав, не так ли? вы знаете этот предмет плохо. 8. он будет завтра в университете? - я тоже не знаю.

averdarya averdarya    3   08.06.2019 05:40    2

анна2262 анна2262  07.07.2020 14:42
1. Are there a lot of students in your group? Yes, there are.
2. My sister's friend skates a lot. How much time does he usually spend on it? An hour and a half a day.
3. I had to take a taxi so as not be late.
4. Is he still having breakfast? No, he isn't. He has already gone to work. Could you give him this book? Sure. / Certainly.
5. Come at any time. As soon as I return, I am sure to help you.
6. When were you born? In 1990, I'm going to enter the Institute soon.
7. I'm right, aren't I? You know this subject very poor.
8. Will he be at the University tomorrow? I don't know either.
anyutatelichuk anyutatelichuk  07.07.2020 14:42
1. In your group it is a lot of students? - Yes, it is a lot of.2. The friend to my sister skates much. - what is the time it usually spends for it? - One and a half hour per day.3. I had to take a taxi not to be late.4. He has still breakfast? - Not. It has already left for work. - you could not transfer it this book? - It is final.5. Come at any time. As soon as I will return, I necessarily will help you.6. - when you were born? - In 1990. I am going to enter the institute soon.7. I after all the rights, whether not so? You know this subject very badly.8. It will be tomorrow at university? - I too do not know.
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