Кто действительно разбирается в , , дополнить предложения: 1. if you take responsibility for your own learning, you 2. autonomous learner doesn't need 3. independent language learners 4. the important resources for autonomous learner 5. they use the internet 6. if you want to improve your chances of learning at least one foreign language well, you

viktoriakovalch viktoriakovalch    2   12.03.2019 09:40    2

KittiKitimi KittiKitimi  25.05.2020 00:04

2. Autonomous learner doesn't need a teacher
3. Independent language learners use dictionaries
4. The important resources for autonomous learner are books, internet and dictionaries
5. They use the internet to find a lot of information
6. If you want to improve your chances of learning at least one foreign language well, you should work hard

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