Красная площадь -это символ россии.она известна по всему миру.своей богатой ,храмом василия блаженного.на красной площади находиться кремль.каждый день её посещает большое количество людей из разных стран.зимой она красиво украшена.ежегодно на красной проходит парад победы.

BlackGolsi BlackGolsi    1   16.09.2019 11:00    1

visokon1111 visokon1111  07.10.2020 19:33
The square is Red, the symbol of Russia. She is known around the world. Rich in its history, Shrine of Blessed Basil. Located on red square of the Kremlin. Every day it is visited by a large number of people from different countries. Every year on the red held a victory Parade.
АлинаБречко АлинаБречко  07.10.2020 19:33
Red Square is a emblem of Russia. It's known all over the world for its rich history of St. Basil's Cathedral. On the Red Square there is the Kremlin. Every day it is visited by a large number of people from different countries. In winter it's beautifully decorated. Every year, the Red Square Victory Parade passes.
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