Контрольная работа

Упражнение 1

Раскройте скобки, поставив наречия never/sometimes/often/usually/always в нужное место в предложении:

I’m late for lessons. (never)

I go to the sports club twice a week. (usually)

My sister gets up at 7 o’clock. (always)

We go to the cinema on Sundays. (sometimes)

We go home for lunch. (never)

They don’t watch TV in the afternoon. (often)

Упражнение 2

Задайте общие во обратите внимание на формы глаголов to have and to have got.

Kate has got two hobbies.

You have got many clubs at your school.

The Smiths have dinner at eight o’clock.

Mary hasn’t got any pets.

Kevin hasn’t got a computer at home.

You have breakfast in the kitchen.

Упражнение 3

Дополните предложения, используйте much or many.

How …milk is there in the fridge?

How…sugar have we got?

How …..apples are there?

How…fruit have we got?

How ….bread have we got?

How…potatoes are there?

How….chicken have we got?

Упражнение 4

Напишите 8 предложений о себе, используйте used to:

Например: «When I was seven I used to go to primary school»

(продолжение на следующей странице)

Упражнение 5

Составьте во к каждому предложению

Catlove333 Catlove333    3   07.05.2020 13:39    9

Slavaevdok2017 Slavaevdok2017  07.05.2020 14:30

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