Контрольная работа за 7 семестр Выберите правильный вариант

1. I went absolutely without …money.

a. some b. any c. no d. not

2. This king is very rich. He has got…money.

a. much b. many c. some d. any

3. Can you …?

a. make me some tea b. make some tea for me c. make for me some tea

4. I can’t find my glasses….

a. nowhere b. anywhere c. somewhere d. never

5. Although (Хотя) he felt very … , he smiled … .

a. angrily, friendly b. angry, friendly

6. Michael’s new apartment is …

a. much large b. much more larger c. much larger d. more larger

7. Where’s… bus stop? – It’s over there on your left.

a. the most close b. the nearest c. the most near

8. She spent… money than we.

a. more b. much c. the most d. the best

9. I saw her open the window and… to someone.

a. waved b. wave c. waving d. to wave

10. Try …be late.

a. not to b. to not c. do not d. to do not

11. I went to London … clothes.

a. for buy b. for to buy c. for buying d. to buy

12. You can not live very long without …

a. to eat b. eat c. eating d. you eat

13. I enjoy …, but I would not like …it all my life.

a. to teach, to do b. teaching, doing c. to teach, doing d. teaching, to do

14. Her parents do not want …married.

a. her to get b. her get c. that she get d. that she gets

15. They are ……on Monday.

a. to arrive b. to have arrived c. that she get d. that she gets

16. Yesterday I saw an old man… into your house.

a. to come b. have come c. came d. come

17. Must you really go now? Can’t you… for a drink?

a. to leave b. stay c. be left d. to stay

18. John asked Mary… late for dinner.

a. didn’t be b. don’t be c. not to be d. not be

19. John told… him, because it annoyed him.

a. her don’t interrupt b. she not to interrupt c. her not to interrupt

20. I don’t feel like… this evening.

a. to study b. studying c. studied d. having studied

Brutal94 Brutal94    3   16.11.2020 08:45    39

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