Контрольная работа. ВЫБЕРИТЕ нужное слово: 1.WE ordered tickets (to/for) Russia. 2. The seats are (in/on) the balcony. 3. What held you (in/up)? 4. (At/In) the performance the actors gathered on the stage. 5. The two girls looked (like/alike) two sisters, but they were not relatives. НАПИШИТЕ предложения в косвенной речи: 1.Boris said;" I arrived late yesterday." 2. Paul asked:"Why have you refused to help, Ann ?" 3. We said :"These seats are very expensive." 4. She asked:" Do the pupils have 5 lessons at school?" ВЫБЕРИТЕ ГЛАГОЛ: 1.Sam (left/ had left) before Alice did her work. 2. Alec (flew/ flowed) to Paris yesterday. 3. By 5 yesterday they ( finished/had finished ) their trip. 4. The curtains opened and we (had seen/saw) fantactic scenery.

овошвл овошвл    2   26.12.2020 07:15    7

Daya98888888 Daya98888888  25.01.2021 07:17

1. To

2. In

3. Up

4. At

5. Like

1. Boris said that he had arrived late the day before.

2. Paul asked why Ann had refused to help.

3. We said that those seats were very expensive.

4. She asked if the pupils had 5 lessons at school.

1. Had left

2. Flew

3. Had finished

4. Saw

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