Контрольная работа №2 по теме «The language of the world» Task 1. Write out British words.
movie, rubbish, sidewalk, autumn, stove, pants, lift, tap, candy, chips, lorry, car park,
drug store, fall, elevator

Task 2. Use the new words in the right forms to complete the sentences.
1. Her m t is probably French.
2. English has b a lot of words from other European languages.
3. Jane p French to German. She is fond of the French language.
4. Fiona is going to make a s at our school meeteng.
5. His v is not very large, he is only a small boy.
6. Has Albert written his test y?
7. A lot of pupils c textbooks in their backpacks to schools.
8. I have n been to Paris. I don’t know what it is like.
9. Words d new meanings, don’t they? \
10. How do you p this word? I don’t know it.

Task 3. Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.
1) Sorry, I (have broken/broke) the bowl just now.
2) John just (has driven/drove) from Bristol.
3) The day before yesterday we (have visited/visited) the Niagara Falls.
4) We already (have finished/finished) writing the test.
5) She (has not read/didn't read) the story yet.
6) When (did you travel/have you travelled) about the USA?
7) (Have you done/Did you do) the exercise yet? When (did you do/ have you done) it?

Task 4.Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right
1) ... he heard very loud music.
2) Jane has never read anything about the system of ... in Australia.
3) The Australian Aborigines paint their bodies and make them very ... on special days.
4) The Mississippi is the most…….river in the USA.
5) A small ... girl was standing near the cage and looking at the budgies.
6) There are a lot of modern tall ...s in Canberra.

МисакиКогуна МисакиКогуна    2   30.11.2020 18:45    96

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