контрольная... На дистанционке.

I) Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов
1) We dress …. for celebrations.
a) down b) up
2) We…. bonfires at night.
a) light b) put up
3) Sally and Tim love to eat ….after dinner.
a) desert b) dessert
4) Do you want …. apple?
a) an b) a
5) I’ve got tea and …. biscuits.
a) three b) a
6) There are ….carrots in the fridge.
a) some b) a
7) This is a …. of olive oil.
a) packet b) bottle
8) There aren’t ….eggs in the fridge.
a) any b) some
9) Is there a garlic ? Yes , there …..
a) is b) are
10) I don’t like vegetables so I never eat ….
a) grapes b) cabbage
11) How …..cheese is on the plate?
a) much b) many
12) Is there any pasta? Yes, …..
a) there isn’t b) there is
13) The Chinese eat long noodles in …..
a) soup b) pasta
14) Dad…. the house with balloons.
a) makes b) decorates
15) Birthday …..are very special in China.
a) festivals b) Celebrations
16) Farmers ….their crops in the autumn.
a) harvests b) harvest
17) Let’s …. a big party!
a) get b) have

II) Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any
1. There is ………… milk in the glass.
2. Are there ………… pupils in the class?
3. -Would you like ………… orange juice? -4. No, I don’t want …………
5. – Is there ………… milk at home? – 6.No, there isn’t ………… milk at home.
7.- I’ll go and buy …………milk in the shop.
8. Mum’s got some onions, but she hasn’t got ………..garlic.

Йошино1 Йошино1    2   16.04.2020 08:37    0

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