Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
We (clean) the house all morning. Let’s stop for some lunch! 2) While I (walk) to school, I realised I my homework was still on the kitchen table. 4) The house where my family lives once (belong) to a famous actor. 5) Don’t forget the party tonight! We (meet) at Tim’s place at eight. 6) My train (already / leave) the station by the time I found the right platform. 7) Can you explain the question again? I’m afraid I (not understand) what you mean. 2 Choose the correct option:
If you sleep well before an exam, you be able to remember what you’ve learned more easily.a would b will c have d will have
You don’t really think we’re going to miss the plane, a are you? b don’t you? c aren’t we? d do you?
When Mum and Dad lived in London, they to the theatre much more.a use to go b used to go c used to going d were going
My favourite cousin is coming to stay at the weekend. I can’t her again.a wait seeing b wait to seeing c wait to see d waiting to see
Sean, a student at Oxford University, wants to become an aircraft pilot.a whose b that’s c who is d which is
Complete the sentences with a word formed from the word in brackets.
The instructions were very complicated and , so I couldn’t follow them. (confuse)
The injured football player left the pitch with a shoulder. (dislocate)
This website is full of links – you click on them and nothing happens! (break)
Lisa is really – she always comes up with new ways of doing things. (create)
Why are we paying three people to do a job that one person could do? It’s . (logic)

Your English-speaking penfriend has asked you about your plans after you leave school. Write an email (up to 100 words) to him/her. Include the following information:
Tell your friend whether you want to continue your studies or find a job.
Explain the reasons for your decision.
Ask your friend for advice about what courses or jobs he/she thinks would suit you best.

mihanesterov mihanesterov    1   21.05.2020 12:56    30

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