Компьютер стёр вопросы о друге поросёнка питера, оставив лишь его ответы. попробуй восстоновить вопросы. запиши их. догодайся, кто друг питера. образец is he sad? - no, he is not. he is merry. 1) yes, he does. he lives in the forest. 2} yes, he has. he has got many friends. 3) yes, he does. he goes to school. 4) no, he doesn ,t. he likes honey, jam and cakes

un5gao un5gao    2   20.03.2019 09:30    0

крисс1233 крисс1233  26.05.2020 07:13

1) Does he live in the forest?

2)Has he many friends?

3)Does he go to school?

4)Does he like chocalate?

Qweryuibcdd Qweryuibcdd  26.05.2020 07:13


1.Does he live in the forest?

2.Has he many friends?

3.Does he go to school?