Класс! ! по 3 примера на темы: прилагательное +окончание er,прилагательное + окончание est,present simple,can и частица to,present counteneus-to be+ глагол с окончанием ing,some any.

gebatible777 gebatible777    1   01.09.2019 15:00    0

Ghasty Ghasty  06.10.2020 10:00
1) rounder, warmer, damper
2)the biggest, the fastest, the longest
3) His shop is open. Her name is Maya. It doesn't suit me.
4) После can частица to не употребляется
5) It's not snowing. My parents aren't​ sleeping​. We are watching the football match.
6) There's someone at the door. There's something like Bluebell Forest. Would you like something to drink?
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