Kied cycled phoned watched Listen and practise saying these verba
Look at the pictures and listen. What three activities didn't people do
People played play too
They used didn't w OY
They travelled did wavelin
They skiedi did
They eyoled didneycle to
They watched didn't watch
b) Listen and check
Grammar spot
past simple (regular
They didn't play football
They didn't watch TV.
Did people play football in 1900?
Yes, they did. No, they didn't
Did they use computers?
Yes, they did./No, they didn't
They played
They watched TV
e Language guld
5 Make questions. The
3 Did they travel in space?
Yes, they did./No, they didn't
4 Did people ski in the mountains?
Yes, they did./No, they didn't
Did you play football
No, I didn't. I played
you/play football
2 they/ski in the
3 she/travel abr
4 you/use a co
five? X whe
5 he/cycle to
6 a) What was
5 Did they cycle to work?
6 Did they watch TV?
your age
your teac

kotovaann2016 kotovaann2016    2   12.04.2021 21:54    0

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