Кданным предложениям подберите соответствующую им по смыслу правильную глагольную форму. 1.the special system of training economists to produce well-preparedexperts. a)designed; b)was designed; c)is designing. 2.at our institute scientific circles. a)are; b)have; c)there are. 3.books on various subjects through the library. a)obtain; b)be obtained; c)are obtained. 4.the teaching of statistics according to the syllabus. a)arranged; b)is arranged; c)arranges. 5.the authorities of the university school hours almost equally between lectures and practical studies. a)are divided; b)have been divided; c)divided. 6.the undergraduates general education subjects as well as special subjects. a)are studied; b)study; c)have been studied. 7.i the university in 1997. a)have entered; b)was entered; c)entered. 8.while i at the bank i attended the preliminary courses. a)was worked; b)was working; c)have worked. 9.the computer in every field of national economy. a)used; b)is used; c)is using. 10.new methods of computation at the research center. a)have introduced; b)was introduced; c)were introduced. 11.she to become an economist. a)goes; b)went; c)is going. 12.the floor in the bedroom with a beautiful carpet. a)covers; b)is covered; c)is covering. 13.he said he at our university. a)will study; b)would study; c)studies. 14.she couldn’t believe that he nothing about their experiments. a)knows; b)will know; c)had known.

LYUBASHA83 LYUBASHA83    1   10.09.2019 22:40    0

maks312017 maks312017  07.10.2020 06:14
1 b)was designed;
2 c)there are.
3are obtained.
4b)is arranged;
6 b)study;
8b)was working;
9b)is used;
10c)were introduced.
11c)is going.
12b)is covered;
13b)would study;
14c)had known.