Kate wants to do it… *
d) yourself
c) itself
a) himself
b) herself
2. My Mom is reading a book to my little sister. *

a) her
d) us
b) him
c) me
3. What are…names? – Jack and Tom. *

b) their
c) her
a) his
d) its
4. My sister and I are twins. *

a) they
c) we
d) she
b) you
5. Three sheep … in the yard. *

a) am
d) is
c) are
b) was
6. Canada is the second … country in the world. *

d) small
а) larger
b) largest
c) large
7. Winter is … than spring. *

d) warmer
c) colder
a) cold
b) warm
8. This book is as … as that one. *

b) the most interesting
c) less interesting
d) interesting
a) more interesting
9. There … many men in the room. *

a) was
c) am
d) are
b) is
10.The mobile telephone of my father. My… mobile telephone *

d) father
c) fathers
b) father’s
a) fathers’
11. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. *

d) will cook
a) cooks
e) is cooking
c) cooked
b) cook
12. She (to help) mother yesterday? *

d) is … helping
b) did … helped
a) did … help
c) does … help
13. What … your brother (to do) tomorrow? *

c) will … do
a) does … do
d) is … doing
e) did … do
b) do … do
14. Kate (to cook) dinner every day. *

c) cooked
d) will cook
a) cooks
e) is cooking
b) cook
15. Kate (to cook) dinner now *

c) cooked
a) is cooking
d) will cook
b) cooks
16. You’ll be here tomorrow, …? *

a) isn’t it
c) will you
b) won’t you
d) will you be
17. Is there … in the room? *

c) anybody
a) somebody
d) anywhere
b) something
18. The telephone was… by Alexander Graham Bell *

a) discovered
b) invented
c) explored
19.This programme … me a lot of money. *

d) was cost
a) cost
b) costed
c) had costed
20. Nobody … why people walk or talk in their sleep. *

c) knew
a) know
b) knows
d) is knowing

максимус67 максимус67    3   11.06.2020 11:38    164

nikitagregorovi nikitagregorovi  15.10.2020 13:43

1 b) herself

2 a) her

3 b) their

4 c) we

5 c) are

6 b) largest

7 c) colder

8 d) interesting

9 d) are

10 b) father’s

11 d) will cook

12 a) did … help

13 c) will … do

14 a) cooks

15 a) is cooking

16 b) won’t you

17 c) anybody

18 b) invented

19 a) cost

20 b) knows

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