Какие предложения без ошибок.
8. *
My computer is the best.
Sobornaya square is oldest square in Moscow.
Red square is bigger then Sobornaya square.
Tver is bigger then Torzhok
9. *
I'm going to swim in the river at the weekend.
In 2050 we will live on an island.
Look! He's going to fall!
It will be rainy tomorrow.
10. *
I have got a headache.
I have got cold.
I have got a earache.
I have got a toothache.
11. *
The park keeper found some litter in the park.
He found the crisp packet.
He found an orange peel.
He found some cola can.
12. *
The police chased Zack but he ran away.
The police chased Zack but he ran up the cave.
The police chased Zack but he ran through the lake.
The police chased Zack but he ran inside an old building.
13. *
The cat jumped onto the table.
The cat jumped off the table.
The cat jumped away the table.
The cat jumped over the table.
14. *
Cinderella is kindest than the sisters.
The sisters are ugly.
The sisters have got the longer nose than Cinderella.
Cinderella is more beautiful than the sisters.
15. *
There was an old building in the forest.
Trees growed outside it.
Sam and Kate went inside.
They finded a picture of a girl.

ПеЧеНьКа811 ПеЧеНьКа811    1   27.05.2020 18:26    0

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