Какая форма глагола пишется в этих предложениях? ) the little bird and ) to eat her. i'll have the bird for my breakfast,") the cat. "good morning, miss bird") the cat. "good morning, mr cat,") the bird. "good news! ") the cat. "what news? " ) the bird. the cat ), "very good news, my little bird ! but the little bird ) very smart. " i think , they don't know the news", said the cat and ) away.

Санчоs Санчоs    3   16.07.2019 00:10    0

nickieivanov nickieivanov  21.09.2020 07:18
Saw; wanted; thinked; said; said; said; asked; said;was; ran
yadilightoy1140 yadilightoy1140  21.09.2020 07:18
1)said 2)said 3)said 4)asked 5)said 6)is 7)ran (2 форма)
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