Как правильно звучить на английском языке с руссками буквами A CASE
Patient Orlov called in a physician from the polyclinic . He could not go to the polyclinic himself because his tempera ture was about 38 ° C . Soon doctor Smirnova , an experienced therapeutist , came to the call . Doctor Smimova wanted to know the patient's complains . The patient said that a short , painful , dry cough associated with rapied respiration had developed two days before . The patient complained of the pain in the throat and behind the breastbone . Doctor Smirnova listened to the heart and lungs and then measured the patients's blood pressure . The blood pressure and the heart sounds were normal . But dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs . The respiratory rate was con siderably increased . The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane was large . On the basis of all the findings the doctor made the diagnosis of ( acute bronchitis , acatarrh , a cold ) .