(fixed price, quality, abundant, customary, distinctive, garnished, interior, inferior, minced, relatively, rapidly)

1) White bread is generally … in nutritional value.

2) You should add garlic and onion to the … meat.

3) The food was … and delicious.

4) This wine possesses a unique … .

5) The salad… with radishes, tomatoes and lettuce looked very


6) We were presented with the … bottle of champagne.

7) The … was cozy but unheated.

8) The dish was making more … than expected.

9) This French wine has a … aroma and colour.

10) It’s a relatively … restaurant

II. Read the magazine article. Seven sentences have been taken out of it. Complete the text with the appropriate sentences (A-H) after the article. There is an extra sentence that you do not need.


A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat meat. This also includes fish. A vegan, on the other hand, does not eat any kind of animal produce, such as butter, eggs, milk or even honey. (0) In addition, they also avoid using other animal products like leather. About five percent of the British population is believed to be vegetarian, while only one in four hundred is vegan.

People become vegetarians for many reasons. Some people simply dislike the taste of meat.

(1)... They point to the overcrowded conditions that chickens, for example, are kept in. It is also argued that vegetarianism is healthier. (2) ... One of the main reasons for this is that they consume less animal fat.

Another health reason for being a vegetarian is the number of recent diseases connected with animals killed for food. (3)... Vegetarians point to modern-day food scares such as 'mad cow's disease' or 'bird flu' to support this view.

(4) ... For instance, vegetarianism is one of the central beliefs of Hinduism. In fact, most of the planet's vegetarians are Hindus and live in India. Of course, there are also strong arguments against vegetarianism.

(5)... In addition, many animals are killed in the production of food other than meat. For example, small animals like mice are frequently killed during the harvesting of crops such as corn. Does this mean that we shouldn't eat bread?

However, if you are going to become a vegetarian, there are some issues that you need to consider beforehand. In particular, it is potentially unhealthy to stop eating meat.

(6)... Therefore it is important that you eat other types of food which can replace meat in this respect, such as nuts, beans and lentils

A __ A few also say that meat just tastes great.

В __ First of all, humans have evolved to eat meat, so it can be seen as a natural part of our behaviour.

C __ ln addition, they also avoid using other animal products like leather.

D __ Not eating meat, so the argument goes, reduces such risks.

E __ Others believe that keeping and killing animals for food is cruel.

F __ People who follow a vegetarian diet are often fitter, have lower cholesterol levels and are less likely to have weight problems.

G __ Some people, though, are vegetarians for religious reasons.

H __ This is because it is rich in protein, which is a vital part of a balanced diet.

ІІІ. GRAMMAR. Use the indirect speech

1. Mother said to me: "Who has brought this parcel?"

2. He said to her: "Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?"

3. Aim said to Mike: "When did you leave London?"

4. She said to Boris: "When will you be back home?"

5. "Will the teacher return our exercise books today?" asked Nick.

6. "Sit still and don't move your head," said the doctor to me.

7. Helen:"I was writing a letter yesterday."

Use the Conditionals I, II, III.

1. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.

2. If we had a new car, we(drive) across Ukraine.

3. I (not to do) it if you did not ask me.

4.The dish would have been much more tasty if she (to be) a better cook.

5. He never (to phone) you if I hadn't reminded him to do that.

6. If Steve (wake up) half an hour earlier, he wouldn't have been late for


7. If I (be) you, I would study Law.

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