Как это читается по буквами? william shakespeare was born in april 1564. his father was a rich citizen whose business was making and selling leather gloves. his mother was the daughter of an important farmer. when he was nineteen, william married anne. she was a farmer's daughter and she was some years older than himself. during that years he may have helped his father in the f amilybusiness or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don't know exactly. shakespeare had three children: susannah, the eldest, then twins - a son, hamnet, and another girl, judith. in 1587 shakespeare went to work in london, leaving anne and the children at home. some years later shakespeare began to write plays. the parents did not even guess that their son would be such an important figure in english poetry and drama and that his plays would still be acted гош hundred years later in england and all over the world. by 1592 shakespeare was an important member of well-known company. in 1599 the famous globe theatre was built on the south bank of the river thames. in that theatre most of his plays were performed. it was a round building with the stage in the center, open to the sky. if it was raining, the actors got wet; if the weather was too bad, there was no performance at all. by 1603 shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. he continued to write for the next ten years. in 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in stratford where he died in 1616. he is buried in stratford-on-avon.
сам йирз ˈлейтэр ˈшейкˌспир биˈгэн ту райт плейз. зэ ˈперэнтс дид нат ˈивин гес зэт зер сан ууд би сач эн имˈпортэнтˈфигьэр ин ˈинглиш ˈпoуэтри энд ˈдрамэ энд зэт хиз плейз ууд стил би ˈэктэд Гош ˈхандрэд йирз ˈлейтэр ин ˈинглэнд эндол ˈoувэр зэ уёрлд. бай 1592 ˈшейкˌспир уаз эн имˈпортэнт ˈмембэр ав уэл-нoун ˈкампэни. ин 1599 зэ ˈфеймэс глoубˈсиэтэр уаз билт ан зэ сaус бэнк ав зэ ˈривэр темз. ин зэт ˈсиэтэр мoуст ав хиз плейз уёр пэрˈформд. ит уаз э рaундˈбилдин уиз зэ стейдж ин зэ ˈсентэр, ˈoупэн ту зэ скай. иф ит уаз ˈрейнин, зи ˈэктэрз гат уэт; иф зэ ˈуэзэр уаз тубэд, зеэр уаз нoу пэрˈформэнс эт ол. бай 1603 ˈшейкˌспир уаз зэ ˈлидин ˈпoуэт энд ˈдрамэтист ав хиз тайм. хикэнˈтиньюд ту райт фор зэ некст тен йирз. ин 1613 хи ˈфайнэли стапт ˈрайтин энд уэнт ту лив ин ˈстрэтфэрд уэр хидайд ин 1616. хи из ˈберид ин ˈстрэтфэрд-ан-ˈейван.