Just after three i was shaken awake. automatically i reached for my trousers, thinking that it was necessary that i (to go) to the accident room: but it was benskin. "i wish you (to let) me sleep," i said in a rough voice. "old man! " he said. "you've got to help me! " he acted as if something terrible (to happen). "what's the matter? " i inquired sleepily. "you know that night nurse — molly? " "umm." "well, listen, old man, oh, i wish you (not to go) to sleep again. tonight i came to see her and before i knew where i was i'd asked her to marry me! but for the pint i had had at the king george i never (to do) a thing like that! " i tried to clear the sleep and alcohol out of my eyes: "it's doubtful that she (to accept) you." "but she did. don't you realise what's happened! she's set her heart on marrying me! " "perhaps she'll have forgotten all about it by the morning," i suggested hopefully. "forgotten? not on your life! you know what these women are! the news'll spread all over the hospital by nine o'clock in the morning. i wish i never (to do) a foolish thing like that! " "if i (to be) you, i (to go) and explain that it was all in fun." benskin gave a laugh: "you go! " "i see your point. it's necessary that i (to think) in silence." (знаю много но честно я сама сделала хотела сверить. )

2810vika 2810vika    1   14.07.2019 12:00    1

коля860 коля860  03.10.2020 03:59
Went Had let Had happened Had not gone Would have never done Accepted Had never done Were -would go Think
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