JOY1 med po
sang over the quiet town of Simbirsk on the Volga. The river had
just cleared of ice. Birds sang merrily in the streets and gardens, and trees swayed
slowly in the wind. There was the joy of spring in the air. 6099yx
There was great joy in the Ulyanov home that day. The sun shone brightly
through the windows, and the whistles of the river boats were clearly heard, as
the house stood near the Volga.
The mother stood by the cradle," looking at her new-born son. She wondered,
“What will you be when you grow up? What will life do to you?"
The child's father, Ilya Nikolayevich, entered the room. intered-Bevard
"Hello, my dear," he said to his wife. The elder children, Anyuta and wite
Sasha, were with him. Anyuta had dark eyes and curly hair. She was six years
old and Sasha was four. They went up to the cradle. Their eyes were open
wide with surprise.
“This is your new brother, children," their father said.
“How small he is,” said Anyuta.
“He'll soon grow bigger," her father answered.
"What's his name?" Sasha asked, standing on his toes to get a better look.
joy [dzɔ] - papocrb skylark ['skarla:k) - KaBOPOHOK 3 whistle ['wisl] - CBUCTOK, ryzok (na-
poxoða u m. 2.) 4 cradle ['kreidl] - Kobbejib 5 to get a better look --- 4T0őbl jyqwe yuleb​

Nipep Nipep    3   16.02.2021 17:29    0

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