Jennings gets up early in the morning and is his birthday! jennings looks at the bed where darbishire is sleeping.darbishire is his best friend though jennings is quick and darbishire is slow in a all he does. "get up,darbishire, get up! " "why? " darbishire opens his eyes. "it's my birthday today! " "oh,yes.many happy returns of the day,"says darbishire and closes his eyes. "oh, get up,darbi.let's go and meet the postman.i am sure i'll get a birthday gift from my parents. get up quickly! " "i am coming," says darbishire sleepily. the bell rings, and all the boys get up. "i say you don't know what day it is today," says jennings. "it's friday,"venables answer."it's friday and on fridays we have fish for breakfast. it's friday and we are going to have fish for breakfast. we usually have fish for breakfast on fridays." "yes, but what else? " asked jennings. "what else? tea with milk." "no, i don't mean that. it's my birthday." "many happy returns," said atkinson "we are going to have a birthday cake today, aren't we" said venables. "certainly," said jennings. "my mother is sending me a wonderful cake. i'm going to the hall to see if the postman is coming." but when jennings ran up to the door, it opened and the teacher on duty came into the dormitory. it was mr wilkins. mr wilkins was a large and strong man. he could be pleasant when he wanted to, but he was not a patient man and he did not understand why the boys of twelve could not behave like teachers, for example. "why are you making that noise, jennings? " asked mr wilkins. "and why have you already dressed? you know very well that pupils must not get up before the bell." "yes, of course. but i hurried to the hall to " "you know well," repeated mr wilkins, "that you must stay in bed till the bell rings. very well, you will stay in class during football this afternoon and do some work for me" "yes, sir," said jennings, but to himself he said: "boys who have birthdays in the holidays don't know how happy they are." "please, sir! mr wilkins, sir! " it was darbishire with one sock on and the other in his hand. "what's the matter, darbishire? hurry up! " said mr wilkins. "it's jennings' birthday today, sir, and he wanted to go down to the hall to meet the postman." "oh! well, if it's his well, let's forget about it." mr wilkins looked angrily at those boys who were not celebrating a birthday that morning and left the dormitory. "thank you, darbi," said jennings. "it was very nice of you to tell old wilkie that it was my birthday. i didn't want to stay in class during football on my birthday как читается

Anele2003 Anele2003    1   16.08.2019 18:50    0

Лесолес Лесолес  31.08.2020 16:59

дженинз гетс ап ˈёрли ин зэ ˈморнин энд риˈмембэрз.ит из хизˈбёрсˌдей! ˈдженинз лукс эт зэ бед уэр Дарбишайр из ˈслипин. Дарбишайр из хиз бэст френд фвoу ˈдженинз из куик энд Дарбишайр из слoу ин э ол хи даз.
"гет ап,Дарбишайр, гет ап!" 
"уай?" Дарбишайр ˈoупэнз хиз айз. 
"итс май ˈбёрсˌдей тэˈдей!" 
"oу,йес.ˈмени ˈхэпи риˈтёрнз ав зэ дей,"сез Дарбишайр энд ˈклoузиз хиз айз.
"oу, гет ап,Дарби.летс гoу энд мит зэ ˈпoустмэн.ай эм шур айл гет эˈбёрсˌдей гифт фрам май ˈперэнтс. гет ап ˈкуикли!" 
"ай эм ˈкамин," сез Дарбишайрˈслипэли. 
зэ бел ринз, энд ол зэ бойз гет ап. 
"ай сей ю дoунт нoу уат дей ит из тэˈдей," сез ˈдженинз. 
"итс ˈфрайди,"ˈвенэбэлз ˈэнсэр."итс ˈфрайди энд ан ˈфрайдиз уи хэв  
фиш фор ˈбрекфэст. 
итс ˈфрайди энд уи ар ˈгoуин ту хэв фиш фор ˈбрекфэст. уи ˈюжэуэли хэвфиш фор ˈбрекфэст ан ˈфрайдиз." 
"йес, бат уат елс?" эскт ˈдженинз. 
"уат елс? ти уиз милк." 
"нoу, ай дoунт мин зэт. итс май ˈбёрсˌдей." 
"ˈмени ˈхэпи риˈтёрнз," сед ˈэткэнсэн  
"уи ар ˈгoуин ту хэв э ˈбёрсˌдей кейк тэˈдей, ˈарэнт уи" сед ˈвенэбэлз. 
"ˈсёртэнли," сед ˈдженинз. "май ˈмазэр из ˈсендин ми э ˈуандэрфэлкейк. айм ˈгoуин ту зэ хол ту си иф зэ ˈпoустмэн из ˈкамин." 
бат уэн ˈдженинз рэн ап ту зэ дор, ит ˈoупэнд энд зэ ˈтичэр ан ˈдути кеймˈинту зэ ˈдормэˌтори. ит уаз ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз. 
ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз уаз э лардж энд строн мэн. хи куд би ˈплезэнт уэн хиˈуантэд ту, бат хи уаз нат э ˈпейшэнт мэн энд хи дид нат ˌандэрˈстэнд уайзэ бойз ав туэлв куд нат биˈхейв лайк ˈтичэрз, фор игˈзэмпэл. 
"уай ар ю ˈмейкин зэт нойз, ˈдженинз?" эскт ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз. "энд уайхэв ю олˈреди дрест? ю нoу ˈвери уэл зэт ˈпьюпэлз маст нат гет ап биˈфорзэ бел." 
"йес, ав корс. бат ай ˈхёрид ту зэ хол ту си..." 
"ю нoу уэл," риˈпитид ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз, "зэт ю маст стей ин бед тил зэбел ринз. ˈвери уэл, ю уил стей ин клэс ˈдурин ˈфутˌбол зис ˌэфтэрˈнунэнд ду сам уёрк фор ми" 
"йес, сёр," сед ˈдженинз, бат ту химˈселф хи сед: "бойз ху хэв ˈбёрсˌдейзин зэ ˈхалэˌдейз дoунт нoу хaу ˈхэпи зей ар." 
" сёр! ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз, сёр!" ит уоз Дарбишайр уиз уан сак ан энд зиˈазэр ин хиз хэнд. 
"уатс зэ ˈмэтэр, Дарбишайр? ˈхёри ап!" сед ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз. 
"итс ˈдженинз ˈбёрсˌдей ту дэй, сёр, энд хи уонтэд ту гoу дaун ту зэ холту мит зэ ˈпoустмэн." 
"oу! уэл, иф итс хиз ˈбёрсˌдей... уэл, летс фогет эˈбaут ит." 
ˈмистэр ˈуилкинз лукт ˈэнгрэли эт зoуз бойз ху уёр нат ˈселэˌбрейтин эˈбёрсˌдей зэт ˈморнин энд лефт зэ ˈдормэˌтори. 
"сэнк ю, Дарби," сед ˈдженинз. "ит уоз ˈвери найс ав ю ту тел oулд ˈуилкизэт ит уоз май ˈбёрсˌдей. Ай диднт уонт ту стэй ин клэс дёрин ˈфутˌбол он май ˈбёрсˌдей

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